Cyber Insurance
General Liability
For Amazon sellers, general liability insurance is a must-have. Amazon requires sellers with a Pro Merchant account and sales of $10,000+ to carry general liability insurance.
International General Liability
Amazon is starting to require general liability insurance to sell on their international websites. We have cost effective solutions that keep you compliant.
Commercial Umbrella Insurance
Some Amazon sellers may need commercial umbrella insurance to increase liability coverage limits to meet Amazon's requirements.
What kind of insurance do Amazon sellers need?
Amazon requires sellers with Pro Merchant accounts to carry $1 million in liability coverage per occurrence and in aggregate. The policy must cover products, products/complete operations, and bodily injury. Amazon must be named as an additional insured.
What international coverage does Amazon require?
If you sell on Amazon in Canada, UK, and EU platforms, Amazon now requires you to buy local insurance and provide proof of coverage for each country. We can provide cost effective policies to meet these requirements for sellers of all sizes.